Northern Gas Networks: get connected in 5 steps

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Northern Gas Networks transports gas across the northeastern area of England. Read on to find out what more this gas distribution company can do for you.

About Northern Gas Networks

Northern Gas Networks (NGN) operates the gas network across the North East, Northern Cumbria, and much of Yorkshire. The company distributes gas to over 2.7 million homes and businesses, reaching around 6.8 million customers within an area of 25,000 square kilometres. It also provides the gas emergency service for the area.

Each year, Northern Gas Networks connects nearly 7,000 new homes and businesses to its gas distribution network and performs around 3,000 alterations.

In the map below, you can see the area (right below Scotland) to which Northern Gas Networks distributes gas.

map of gas distribution network

Who owns Northern Gas Networks?

Northern Gas Networks is owned by three parties: CK Infrastructure Holdings, Power Assets Holdings and SAS Trustee Corporation. The companies acquired the distribution network company in 2005 from National Grid Tesco.

CK Infrastructure Holdings and Power Assets Holdings, which together own 88.4% of the company, are both led by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing. He also controls the consortium that owns the gas distribution company Wales & West Utilities.

Who is my supplier?

If you’re looking for your gas supplier, it’s not Northern Gas Networks. NGN lays the pipes that transport gas to your home, but it does not actually supply the gas that will flow.

Your gas supplier is the company that you pay your gas bills to. It owns the gas that is transported through the pipes, and it is also responsible for the maintenance of your gas meter. You should be able to find the name of your gas supplier on your utility bill.

How do I get a gas supply to my house?

Below, we break down how to get your home connected to the gas mains with Northern Gas Networks in five simple steps. If you would like to connect a non-domestic property, we recommend calling the NGN Connections team on 0800 040 7766 for assistance.

1. Check if you’re in the Northern Gas Networks area

To see if you’re located inside the network, use the company’s online postcode checker or contact the Customer Care Team at 0800 040 7766 and select Option 2.

2. Apply to get connected to the gas network

To apply, you can either fill out an online application on the distributor’s website, or you can send in an application via post. You will need to fill out your personal details, as well as information about the property where the work will take place.

If you want your gas meter to be located outside of your home, you must select the type of meter box that you would like to have installed. Northern Gas Networks supplies surface-mounted and semi-concealed meter boxes. If you want to have a meter box that is built into the wall, you will need to make your own arrangements to have it installed before the connection can be made.

In your application, you will need to inform Northern Gas Networks if you will be digging the area where the pipes will be laid, or if the distributor needs to dig it for you.

If you need help filling out your application, call 0800 040 7766 and select Option 2 for assistance, or send an email to [email protected].

Note that the distributor does not install gas meters. You will need to contact your preferred gas supplier (the one that you will pay your gas bills to) in order to get a gas meter installed.

3. Get your quote and pay.

Once you have submitted your application, Northern Gas Networks will get back to you within six to 11 working days with a quote. A representative may need to arrange for a site surveyor to visit the property in order to provide you with a more accurate quote.

In the table below, you can find estimated prices for the gas connection service.

Domestic connection type Estimated price
Private land (NGN digs) £585
Private land (you dig) £358
Public land £314

If you are happy with the quote, you can either pay online or by calling the distributor on 0800 040 7766. You must pay for the service before any work can begin. After receiving your payment, Northern Gas Networks will contact you to arrange a date for the work to take place.

4. Get connected!

Northern Gas Networks may need to drop off some equipment at the site before the work begins. Once the work commences, it should only take one day to connect your home to the gas network.

After the gas connection is complete, Northern Gas Networks’ Reinstatement Team will return to the property within five days to remove any equipment and make sure that everything is put back in its normal place.

5. Choose a gas supplier.

Even though you are now connected to the gas network, you still don’t have a supply yet. You must now contact a licensed gas provider to arrange for gas to be supplied to the property.

It is the supplier’s responsibility to install the gas meter. To get a gas meter, you will need to provide your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN), which will be given to you once you have accepted the quotation from Northern Gas Networks.

We recommend doing a bit of research to find the best gas supplier for your home. Check out the following guides to help you decide:

Other gas services

gas meter

In addition to gas connections, Northern Gas Networks also performs alterations, such as moving gas pipes and relocating gas meters. As with connections, you will need to submit an application either online or via post.

To access the applications and more information about the services, go to the Northern Gas Networks’ homepage online. Select Gas connections in the top centre of the page, and then click on Make changes.

From the time you apply to have changes made, you will typically have to wait about three weeks for the alteration appointment to take place.

Contact Northern Gas Networks

There are a few different ways for you to get in touch with Northern Gas Networks. We break down the best ways for you to contact the energy distributor below.

Northern Gas Networks contact numbers: quick reference table

Refer to the table below to find the best contact number for you to call based on your query.

Northern Gas Networks contact phone numbers
Department Phone number Opening hours
Gas emergency 0800 111 999 24/7
Customer Care Team 0800 040 7766 Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm, Saturday: 8am-6pm
Connections Team 0800 040 7766 Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm, Saturday: 8am-6pm
Complaints 0800 040 7766 Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm, Saturday: 8am-6pm
Leeds Office 0330 440 1624 Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm, Saturday: 8am-6pm
Sunderland Office 0800 040 7766 Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm, Saturday: 8am-6pm
Press Office 0113 322 7950 Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm, Saturday: 8am-6pm
Energy Ombudsman 0330 440 1624 Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm, Saturday: 9am-1pm

General enquiries

To speak to a member of the Customer Care Team at Northern Gas Networks, you should call 0800 040 7766 and select Option 3. Representatives are available Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm and Saturday from 8 am to 6 pm.

Residents can also contact the customer service department by sending an email to [email protected] or writing a letter addressed to Northern Gas Networks, Customer Care Team, 1st Floor, 1 Emperor Way, Sunderland, SR3 3XR.

You can also send an online message to Northern Gas Networks via its website. Go to the homepage and click on Get in touch in the upper right corner. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, fill out the form that says Send us a message, and then click Submit.

Get connected or make changes

To contact the Connections Team at Northern Gas Networks, you can either call 0800 040 7766 or send an email to [email protected].

This team will help you to make arrangements to either get connected to the gas mains or to have gas pipes or your gas meter relocated.

Gas emergency

If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, you should call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999 immediately.

If you are hearing impaired and have a Textphone or a Minicom, you can also contact the emergency service on 0292 027 8707.

An operator will dispatch an engineer to be with you as soon as possible to ensure your safety. In the meantime, you should do the following:

  • Put out any naked flames
  • Open windows and doors
  • Turn off all gas appliances
  • Keep others away from the area
  • Do not smoke or strike any matches
  • Do not use any electrical appliances

Make a complaint


To make a complaint to Northern Gas Networks, you should contact the Customer Service Team either by calling 0800 040 7766 and selecting Option 3 or by sending an email to [email protected].

When making a complaint, we recommend that you provide as much information as you possibly can, including the work reference number if you have one. A member of the Customer Care Team will investigate your complaint and aim to give you a response within 10 days.

If you are not satisfied with how your complaint was handled, you can escalate it to an operational manager, who will then carry out another investigation and try to find a mutually acceptable solution. This process can take up to 10 days.

If you are still not satisfied with the response, you can then ask for your complaint to be formally reviewed by a department head or director. You can expect to hear back in five working days about your case.

If this review does not result in your favour and you remain unhappy with the service, you should then request a deadlock letter from Northern Gas Networks. Use this letter to escalate the complaint to the Energy Ombudsman by either calling 0330 440 1624 or sending an email to [email protected].

You can also escalate the complaint to the Energy Ombudsman without a deadlock letter if 56 days have passed since you first made the complaint.

Work for Northern Gas Networks

Are you interested in working for Northern Gas Networks? The distribution company employs nearly 2,000 individuals and offers a diverse range of job opportunities from engineering positions to office-based roles.

The company’s main offices are in Leeds and Sunderland, with other smaller offices located around the region.

Apprenticeships and graduate programmes are also available for individuals looking to gain experience either in the office or out doing fieldwork.

If you’re interested in applying to work for Northern Gas Networks, check out current job vacancies on the company’s website or send an email to [email protected].

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