SGN gas distribution network: a complete guide

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The SGN gas network is the second largest in the UK! Read on to learn more about the SGN gas distribution network and what it has to offer.

About SGN gas

The SGN gas distribution company owns and operates the pipes that transport gas to homes and businesses across Scotland and southern England. The distributor also provides the gas emergency service for the two geographical regions.

The network operator distributes gas to around 5.9 million homes and businesses across its network and operates more than 71,000 kilometres of pipes. That’s more than two roundtrips from London to Sydney!

The distribution company acquired the gas network in 2005 from National Grid Tesco. The SGN gas network is now owned by the following four parties: SSE, Borealis Infrastructure Europe, OTPPB Investments and Blue Spyder B 2016.

In the map below, you can see the area (in dark blue) that pertains to the SGN gas network.

map of gas distribution network

What does SGN stand for?

SGN previously stood for Scotia Gas Networks. The company rebranded and changed the name from Scotia Gas Networks to SGN in September 2014. This was done with the intention of showing unity between the two different geographical areas in which the network operates.

Who is my gas supplier?

Your gas supplier is the company that you pay your gas bills to. It is also responsible for installing and maintaining your gas meter. You should be able to find its name on any utility bill.

The SGN gas company is not your gas supplier. It owns the pipes that distribute the gas, but the company does not supply the actual gas that flows to your home.

Gas connections

If you want to connect your property to the gas network, you will need to apply for a new connection. We break down the process of getting connected to the SGN gas network below.

Step 1. Check to see if you’re in the area

Use the company’s online postcode checker to make sure that you are in the SGN gas network area.

The postcode checker can be found on the company’s website. To access it, go to the homepage and scroll all the way down to the bottom. Below where it says Gas and meter services on the left-hand side, click on Postcode checker.

Step 2. Apply to get connected

For a ‘standard’ SGN gas connection, you can apply online through the distributor’s website and get an instant quote. You can also apply online for a ‘non-standard’ gas connection. However, a property surveyor will need to visit the property once the application has been received in order to provide you with an accurate quote.

Your gas connection will be considered non-standard if any of the following apply:

  • The property is not within the gas mains.
  • The connection requires more than 40 meters of pipe.
  • You live in a flat on or above the second floor.
  • The property has five or more bedrooms.
  • You’ve got a heated swimming pool on site.

In your application, you must inform the distributor where you would like your gas meter to be located. If you want your gas meter to be outside, you must select the type of meter box that you would like for SGN gas engineers to install. If you prefer to have a meter box that is built into the wall, you will need to make your own arrangements for the box to be installed before the connection work can begin.

Step 3. Get your quote and pay

The price depends on the location and whether or not you decide to dig the trenches where the pipes will be laid yourself, or if the distributor will need to dig them for you. If all of the digging takes place on a public highway, you may even qualify for a partial refund.

You can find estimated prices for the SGN gas connection service in the table below.

SGN Gas Connections


Estimated price if you dig

Estimated price if SGN digs

Southern England (within M25)



Southern England (outside M25)






The quote is valid for 60 days from the day it is created. If you need to make any changes to the quote, including to the person’s name, you will need to apply again.

You must make the payment before any work can commence. Once your payment has been received, a representative will contact you within seven working days to arrange a date for the connection to be made.

Step 4. Get connected!

gas flame

From the time you apply, it usually takes six to eight weeks for the work to commence. Once the work begins, it should take no more than two days to complete the SGN gas connection.

Someone over the age of 18 will need to be present at the site when the workers arrive to approve of any changes that are not included in the quote.

After the connection is made, workers will return to your property within five days to restore any areas that are left out of order.

Step 5. Choose a gas supplier

Now that your property is connected to the SGN gas network, you must contact a licensed gas supplier to install the gas meter. This will be the company that actually supplies the gas to your home and to whom you will pay your gas bill.

You’ll need to provide your preferred supplier with your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN), which will be included in your planning letter from the distribution company.

Before choosing just any supplier, we recommend doing a bit of research. Check out the following guides to help you decide which is the best gas supplier for your home:

Additional gas services: move gas meter and pipes

The SGN gas company does more than just connect properties to the gas mains. It also performs alterations, such as moving gas meters and pipes.

If you would like to have your gas meter or the gas pipes on your property relocated, you will need to fill out an online application, get a quote and pay for the service before the work can begin. It usually takes six to eight weeks for the work to start from the time you submit the application.

In the table below, you can find estimated prices for gas alterations. As with gas connections, you may be able to get a partial refund if the pipes are on public land.

Gas Alterations and Moving Gas Meter


Estimated price if you dig

Estimated price if SGN digs

Southern England (within M25)

£462 to £577

£712 to £827

Southern England (outside M25)

£418 to £533

£644 to £759


£360 to £475

£598 to £713


There are various ways for you to contact the SGN gas distribution company. We break down the best ways for you to contact the energy distributor below.

SGN gas contact numbers: quick reference table

The table below shows the best phone number to dial depending on your query.

SGN gas network contact numbers


Phone number

Opening hours

Gas emergency

0800 111 999


Customer service

0800 912 1700

Monday to Friday: 8:30am-5pm

SGN gas connections

0800 912 1700

Monday to Friday: 8:30am-5pm


0800 912 1700

Monday to Friday: 8:30am-5pm

SGN Natural Gas

0800 975 7774

Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm, Saturday: 8am-4pm

Energy Ombudsman

0330 440 1624

Monday to Friday: 8am-6pm

Customer service

For general enquiries, the quickest way to get in touch with a member of the Customer Service team is via the company’s live chat or texting service.

You can access the live chat on the company’s website. Click on the blue icon in the bottom right corner of the homepage to start the conversation. The live chat is available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 6 pm.

For the texting service, simply send a text message to 0749 007 7649. Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm for this service.

If you prefer to contact the company by phone, you can call the customer service team on 0800 912 1700. You can also reach out to the distributor by sending an email to [email protected] or by writing a letter addressed to SGN, Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth PH1 3AQ.

Gas connections and alterations

gas meter

If you want to either get connected to the gas mains or have gas pipes or your gas meter relocated, you should call 0800 912 1700 or send an email to [email protected].

A representative will answer any questions you have about the service or the application. Lines are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm.

Gas leaks and emergencies

If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, you should immediately call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.

For individuals that are hearing impaired and have a Textphone or a Minicom, you can also contact the emergency service on 0292 027 8707.

A gas engineer will be with you as soon as possible to ensure your safety. In the meantime, you should do the following:

  • Put out any flames
  • Open doors and windows
  • Turn off all gas appliances
  • Do not smoke or strike any matches
  • Do not use any electrical appliances

Make a complaint

You can make a complaint to the SGN gas company either by calling the customer service number on 0800 912 1700, sending an email to [email protected] or by writing a letter addressed to SGN, Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth PH1 3AQ.

In your complaint, you should include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your telephone number
  • Your email address
  • Your reference number (if you have one)

Representatives will review your complaint and aim to respond within 10 working days. If a site visit is required, it may take up to 20 days for you to receive a response.

If you are not happy with the resolution of your complaint, you can escalate it to the company’s Head of Customer Service. To escalate the complaint, either call 0800 912 1700 or send an email to [email protected]. This individual will respond to you within another 10 working days.

If you are still not satisfied with the conclusion, you can then request a ‘deadlock letter’ from SGN. With this letter, you can then escalate the complaint to the Energy Ombudsman, either by calling 0330 440 1624 or sending an email to [email protected].

You can escalate the complaint to the Ombudsman without a deadlock letter as long as eight weeks have passed since you originally made the complaint.

SGN Natural Gas

SGN Natural Gas is a subsidiary of SGN. It launched in 2014 and operates in the west of Northern Ireland. Construction for the SGN Natural Gas network began in 2015, but its first domestic customer wasn’t connected to the gas mains until 2017.

SGN Natural Gas plans to connect around 40,000 customers to its gas mains by 2023. The company aims to enable customers to decrease their carbon footprint by using natural gas instead of oil. Since natural gas is also cheaper than oil, the network will also help to decrease fuel poverty in the area.

If you live in the western area of Northern Ireland and are interested in getting connected to the SGN Natural Gas network, call the distributor on 0800 975 7774 or send an email to [email protected]. You can also visit the company’s website for more information.


Are you interested in applying for a job at the SGN gas network company? The distributor employs around 3,800 staff and offers a variety of career opportunities from fieldwork to office-based jobs.

The distributor says it is passionate about the development of its staff. It even offers various coaching programmes to help employees achieve their full potential.

You can find current job openings on the SGN website. Go to the company’s homepage and scroll all the way to the bottom. Under where it says About us, click on Careers hub. If you are interested in applying for one of the positions, send an email to [email protected].

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