Npower Contact Info 2022: Home & Business Customers

As a large energy supplier, Npower was taken over by E.ON Energy in November 2019 and began migrating customers to E.ON Next in July 2020. Npower contact does still exist for large business customers and in this handy guide you can find the number you need for questions about your bills and the right number for potential customers to call for more information on tariffs, including the Npower contact information for business customers. We've broken down all the Npower contact details you need in one handy guide.

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Npower contact details: existing customers
Existing customers had a number of different Npower contact options to choose from when they want to get in touch with the supplier. Since the takeover by E.ON, customers now have a single Npower contact number.
Customers who have been notified by E.ON Next that there account has been moved across should contact E.ON Next directly.
Contact Options For General Enquiries
For any questions about your energy tariff, billing, payments and general queries, customers can contact the Npower customer service team on the number listed below.
Npower Contact Department | Phone Number | Opening Hours |
Customer Service | 0808 501 5661 | Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm; Saturday: 9am to 4pm |
Customer Service for Minicom and Textphone users | 18001 0808 501 5661 | Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm; Saturday: 9am to 4pm |
Emergencies | 0808 501 5088 | 24/7/365 |
If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can still use the Npower contact number to get in touch via phone. With minicom or textphone, your typed telephone message can be sent directly to the supplier.

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Npower Contact For Complaints
Unfortunately, no energy supplier is perfect and mistakes and errors happen. If you experience any errors or unsatisfactory service from Npower, you can place an official complaint and the supplier will work to resolve it.
Customers with an outstanding complaint against Npower will need to contact E.ON Next to resolve it. Whilst most complaint details may have been transferred from Npower to E.ON Next, customers might need to file a new complaint.
Below is the complaint phone number for E.ON Next, customers should make it clear when they call that the complaint is about their Npower account so the complaint can be dealt with accordingly.
Npower Contact Department | Phone Number | Opening Hours |
Complaints | 0808 501 5200 | Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm; Saturday: 9am to 4pm |
The complaints team will try to resolve your issue as quickly as possible. If your problem is particularly complex, they will aim to resolve it within 28 working days.
Besides contacting E.ON Next by phone to make a complaint, customers can also reach out via the following ways:
- Email to the complaints department
- Email the E.ON Next CEO
- In writing
Alternative complaint method | Method |
Email the complaints department | [email protected] |
Email the CEO | [email protected] |
In Writing | E.ON Next Trinity House 2 Burton Street Nottingham NG1 4BX |
If you remain unhappy with Npower or E.ON Next's response to your complaint, or if the supplier fails to offer a resolution after eight weeks, you can take your complaint to the Energy Ombudsman.
Meters: smart meters, prepayment meters & readings
If you’re having difficulties reading your meter, or you simply have some questions about previous meter readings, you can use the Npower contact number for the Meter Reading Team to get some extra help.
Npower contact for the Meter Reading Team: 0808 501 5661 (Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm; Saturday: 9am to 4pm)Before contacting Npower, why not check out Selectra’s meter reading guide. The guide gives you step-by-step instructions on how to read your meter and can save you a phone call.
The Meter Reading Team can also help you out with any questions related to a prepayment meter, including how to get a new payment card/key, how to top up and switching from a prepayment plan to Direct Debit.
Smart Meters
Smart meter customers can use the same Npower contact number to call if they need help with their meter. To get in touch with the Smart Meter Team, ring the number listed below:
Npower contact for the Smart Meter Team: 0808 501 5661 (Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm; Saturday: 9am to 4pm)If you’re an existing customer and would like to learn more about smart meters, including how they work and how to get one installed in your household, check out our Npower smart meter guide.
E.ON Next also supports smart meters, so customers need not worry about the functionality of their smart meter. Read our E.ON Smart Meter guide to find out more.
Online Account
The online portal was a great way to manage your energy tariff. Here you can submit meter readings, track your energy usage and even view old bills.
Our guide on the features of an NPower login is on our Npower login page can help you out. However, since most customers have already been trasitioned to E.ON Next, Npower customers should instead register for an account on the E.ON Next login

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Npower New Customer
New customers looking to switch to an Npower tariff will need to look at the E.ON Next tariffs as Npower are no longer accepting new customers.
Before you make the switch, read our E.ON Reviews guide to see if it's the right choice for you.
Npower Emergency Contact
First things first, if you experience a gas or electrical emergency, you should not contact Npower as the first point of call.
In the case of a gas leak, get out of the building and contact National Gas Emergencies on 0800 111 999.

In the case of a power cut, you can report it by ringing 150. You can also contact your electricity distributor directly. Find the electricity distributor for your area, and its contact details, now.
If you’re not experiencing an emergency but would like more information about gas, electrical and carbon monoxide safety, you can chat to an expert in the provider’s Emergency and Safety Team. This is also the number to call if you’re having problems with your meter.
Contact Npower if You’re Moving House
Whether you’re moving out and want to close your account or moving into a new home and want to open an account, you need to contact E.ON Next to let it know. This also applies if you’re a landlord and you’re changing tenants. You can do this all online through your online account, or you can call the Moving Team on the general customer service number.
For more information on everything you need to do when moving home with Npower, read our Npower moving guide or E.ON Next moving guide.
Npower Contact For Feed In Tariff Application
On 18 December 2018, the Government announced it would close the Feed In Tariff (FIT) scheme to new applicants from 1 April 2019. Any applications received on or before 31 March 2019 will be unaffected by the closure. If your installation has been accredited and an MCS certificate has been issued before 31 March 2019, you have until 1 April 2020 to submit an application.
If you are still eligible to apply for the FIT scheme, you can use one of the following Npower contact methods to request an application form.
- Phone: 0800 048 0520 or 0330 100 7567 (*Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm; Saturday: 8:00am to 6:00pm)
- Email: [email protected]
When you have filled out the form, return it via email or post with the following documents:
- Copy of Microgeneration Certificate Scheme (MCS) certificate or ROO-FIT accreditation certificate for your installation
- Proof that you own the installation
- Copy of your EPC Certificate
- Signed set of Multi Installations declarations
Npower Business Contact Number
For customers with business tariffs, the Npower contact details are different to those for domestic customers. If you have an Npower business tariff, or are interested in getting one, you can find all the contact information you need in the following section.
Npower has stopped providing energy to small and medium businesses (SMEs). You will need to contact E.ON Business to discuss your account.
If you are a large business or corporate customer, then you may still be an Npower customer.
Existing Business Customers
Existing large business customers might need to get in touch with the supplier for a number of reasons, such as issues with bills and payments, or even to report energy theft. In the table below we have listed all the Npower contact numbers you might need. Alternatively, you can contact your account executive or access your account online.
Query |
Npower contact number |
Operating hours |
Customer Service | 0845 070 9494 | Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm |
Complaints | 0845 070 9494 | Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm |
Whistleblowing | 0203 769 6413 | Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm |
Energy Theft | 0800 023 2777 | Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm |
Moving Premises | 0800 107 2074 | Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm |
If your business experiences a power outage, you can report it by ringing 150. For gas emergencies you can call 0800 111 999
New Business Customers
Customers thinking of switching their business supply to Npower should give the supplier a call on the following number. The customer service agent will be able to answer all your questions relating to switching.

Npower contact for New Business Customers
A call agent will be able to answer all your questions
0800 669 6443
*Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Moving Business Premises
If you’re moving your business premises (either out of an Npower supplied building or into one) you need to contact Npower to let the supplier know. There are two numbers to ring in order to do this number: 0800 980 5505 (Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm)
When you call, you will need to provide the call agent with your company name, address, final/initial meter readings and the date you moved out/into the premises.
If you are moving out of a premise the provider supplies, you will also need to give your forwarding address and phone number, plus the contact details of the business that will be occupying the premises when you leave. If you are moving into a site the provider supplies, you will need to provide the forwarding address of the previous occupier.