What is Paperless Billing? How Can You Switch?
Signing up for paperless billing is to receive your energy bills by email, rather than through the post. This isn’t just great for the environment - it means less clutter at home too.
Why choose paperless billing?
There a number of reasons why you should opt for paperless billing, though none more so than having a much more organised record of your energy bills, all whilst helping out the environment.
Many energy providers have even put an end to paper billing on certain tariffs. UK providers are trying to make it easier for customers to understand, collect and read their bills, rather than sifting through the post and getting lost with all the papers you have in a drawer somewhere.
1. A greener future
Without paperless billing, millions of sheets of paper are sent to homes across the UK each month, along with the many other household bills that come through the letterbox. Given that on average, one tree will make around 8,333 sheets of paper, we would have to cut down around 3,400 trees each month just to bill Britain's 28 million households.
While there is no exact figure, recent surveys suggest that a large percentage of gas and electricity customers nationwide have already opted for paperless billing.
2. Be more organised
How many times have you had to turn your house upside down looking for a bill, whether it be energy or otherwise? With online bill management, this is no longer the case.
Similar to emails and online banking, you can search for specific paperless bills quickly and simply using your customer portal login. Even if you file your paper bills, you still have to search through them for the specific amounts and months. With the application of basic filters, you can quickly identify the paperless bill you're looking for online.
Online billing is not just available through your desktop computer, but through useful, easy to use apps on your mobile and tablet, too. Having this feature for all of your household bills, such as broadband and TV subscriptions, you will be able much more organised with next to no effort. Think of it as your personal, online filing cabinet.
How to go paperless
Paperless billing accounts can be set up by contacting your energy provider either over the phone or through its website. You’ll need a few details to hand, such as your address and account number, which will usually be found on your paper bills.
Once you have set up your account, you will able to log in to an online portal and see your bills in one organised place whenever and wherever you please. Setting up an online account will also allow you to switch back to paper billing should you decide to do so at a later date.
How can I change the account details on my paperless bills? Some suppliers will allow you to change the account holder details using your online login. If not, you may have to call or write to your energy supplier. Visit How to Change Name on Energy Bills to find out more.