Wessex Water Login, Contact, Meter, Moving House
Wessex Water handles both water supply and wastewater management for over a million people in South West England. Like other UK water suppliers, Wessex Water is regulated by Ofwat.
What Areas Does Wessex Water Cover?
Wessex Water operates in Bristol, large parts of Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset as well as areas in Gloucestershire and Hampshire. The company is headquartered just outside Bath and employs over 2,000 people.
Who owns Wessex Water?Wessex Water is owned by YTL Corporation, a Malaysian utility company. Shareholders in the company received over £500 million in dividends in the four years between 2013-2017.
Are Wessex Water And Bristol Water The Same?
Wessex Water and Bristol Water are not the same company. This confusion is due to the overlap in operations between the two companies. While Wessex Water supplies clean water and also handles wastewater, Bristol Water only supplies clean water. Bristol Wessex Water does not exist.
Wessex Water Login
A valid Wessex Water login lets customers conveniently manage their accounts online. These are a few of the queries and problems they can sort out once logged in.
- View and update account details
- Check Wessex Water billing information
- Pay Wessex Water bills with SagePay
- Update or change payment method
- Set up a Direct Debit with Wessex Water
- Enquire about your water bill
- Tell Wessex Water you're moving
When you click on the Sign-Up button you will be taken to an online form to fill out your email address, password and password hint.
Once you've submitted your Wessex Water login details, you will be sent a verification code. This is to check that you have access to the email address you provided when creating your Wessex Water login.
If your Wessex Water login isn't working, you have multiple options to recover your account. The first one is the password hint you set up with the account. To get the password hint to show up you need to click on "Display Password Hint" and enter your email address so that your Wessex Water password hint comes up.
If you still can't remember your password, you have the option to click on "Forgot Password" to get a verification code or reset your password. In that case, you will need to enter your email address to get started.
If you can't remember the email address linked to your account, you can your customer reference number, found on your Wessex Water bill, and your postcode. With those details, you'll see what email address you used for the Wessex Water Login.
Wessex Water Contact
There are many Wessex Water contact options, which means finding the right one is crucial to getting your water supply query solved quickly.
Wessex Water Contact Number
Below, you can see what Wessex Water contact number is best to get your questions answered.
Wessex Water Team | Phone Number | Opening Times |
Billing Enquiry | 0345 600 3600 | Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 8am to 2pm |
Water Supply or Sewerage Enquiry | 0345 600 4 600 | Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm |
Wessex Water Pay Now | 0345 600 1 019 | 24/7 |
Sewage Floodline | 0345 600 4 600 | 24/7 |
Report a Leak | 0345 600 4 600 | 24/7 |
Wessex Water Operations Center | 01225 526000 | Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm |
Wessex Water Problems
Are you having Wessex Water Problems? You have two options to file a complaint.
If your problems with Wessex Water relate to a water supply issue that the company needs to make right you can call 0345 600 4600 or email [email protected] to file a complaint. Wessex Water commits to replying to all water supply-related complaints within 10 working days.
If your Wessex Water problems stem from a billing issue, you can call 0345 600 3600 or email [email protected] to put your complaint through. Wessex Water states that they will reply to billing complaints within 5 working days.
When it comes to filing a complaint due to Wessex Water problems, the emails listed above are probably the best option so there is a written record of the complaint.
If you don't have access to email or a computer, you can write to the head office about your Wessex Water problems:
Wessex Water,Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7WW
You can also check out our guide if you don’t have water at home.
Wessex Water On Social Media
Wessex Water has an active Twitter account (@wessexwater) where they update customers with any service outages or planned maintenance that can affect water supply. Additionally, the Wessex Water Twitter account is monitored from 7:30am to 10pm on weekdays. This means customers can tweet at the company with their water queries or issues.
The company is also present on LinkedIn. However, that isn't the best platform to reach out for customer support since LinkedIn is primarily used to advertise Wessex Water jobs.
You can also check our guide to Contact Wessex Water.
Wessex Water Pay Now
When it comes to your water bill, there are several Wessex Water pay now options. Depending on your financial situation or lifestyle, you can pick the payment option that suits you best. Aside from setting a direct debit with Wessex Water to pay your bills, here are the other payment methods Wessex Water offers.
Wessex Water Pay Now Online
You can pay any outstanding Wessex Water bill balance online with your credit or debit card. To get started, all you need is your payment reference number from your Wessex Water bill.
Wessex Water Pay Now By Phone
Call 0345 600 1019 at any time of day to pay Wessex Water now over the phone. Make sure you have your bill handy for your customer number and to double-check dates and amounts.
Internet Or Mobile Banking
You will need the following to make a payment through your bank.
- Sort code: 40-02-50
- account number: 61229737
Bank, Post Office And Payzone
Take your bill with you no matter where you go. You may also need to fill out the pay slip at the bottom of your Wessex Water bill so that you can pay with cash or a cheque.
Pay By Post
You can mail a cheque made out to >BWBSL with your customer number written on the back, along with the payment slip section of the bill to: BWBSL, 1 Clevedon Walk, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1WA
Is Wessex Water Expensive?
Wessex Water is the second most expensive water supplier in the UK after Welsh Water. This is because they serve a largely rural area and the costs of transporting water around the region can be expensive. They also have larger infrastructure to manage which is the reason why their rates are slightly higher.
Wessex Water Meter Reading
There is a Wessex Water meter reading every six months, as long as employees can gain access to the water meter. However, that shouldn't Wessex Water meter reading sooner rather than later.
Wessex Water Meter Reading Steps
- Check if your home is metered or not - Look at your bill and see if there is a meter serial number on it. That will be the telltale sign that your home is metered.
- Find the meter on your property - If you have a meter, it will likely be located on the edge of your property. Check your garden or the pavement adjacent to your home. It will be underground, so look for a covering that says WATER on it.
- Find the meter in your home - If it's not outside it may be in your home. If that is the case, it will either be under the sink or near your stop tap.
- Check the serial number matches with the one on your bill - On the meter itself, you'll find the unique meter serial number written along the top part on the bezel of the display.
- Access the meter - To get to the meter you will need to lift out the covering and any insulating material. This may require a flat-headed screwdriver. Make sure you put back everything as it was so the meter is protected from tampering and frost damage.
- Read the meter - Note down the black figures on the meter readout and ignore the red ones. The black figures are the ones you need to submit a meter reading to Wessex Water.
Wessex Water Moving House
Your Wessex Water moving house query will have a different answer depending on the following circumstances. Namely, where you are moving from and to.
- Existing customer changing address within the Wessex Water supply area
- Existing customer moving away from supply area and needing to close out account
- New customer currently with a different water supplier moving to a home supplied by Wessex Water
Wessex Water Change Of Address
Here is what you need to get your Wessex Water change of address done in five steps on the Wessex Water website.
- Provide your account details - Fill out your personal details regarding your current property and water supply.
- Giving your moving out details - Provide the move out date as well as your last meter reading, this should be provided as close as possible to your last day at your old property. Additionally, if you know who is moving in, you can provide their name and contact details
- Giving your moving in details - Provide the move in date as well as the first meter reading you take on the day you move in. Additionally, if you know who the previous occupant was, you can provide their name and contact details as well
- Supply your payment details - Provide your payment details relating to your preferred payment method so that you're all set for your upcoming bills or closing bill.
- Agree to terms and conditions - You just need to tick the box to say that you accept the terms and conditions to submit your Wessex Water moving house details.
You can let Wessex Water know you are moving by calling the Wessex Water change of address team on 0345 600 3600.
Wessex Water How Hard Is My Water?
The quality of your water varies depending on the region of the UK you are. There are soft water areas and hard water areas. The hardness of the water in your area depends on the level of calcium in the tap water.
If you’re a customer of Wessex Water, your water quality ranges from very hard to soft. It is worth looking up your postcode on Wessex Water’s website to know whether your water is hard or soft.