Scottish Power Contact Number, Email & Customer Service

Finding the right Scottish Power contact details to get your queries is important in order to find the right solution. With Scottish Power being a large energy provider, there are many teams and offices you can contact within the company.
Top tip!If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, be sure to check out the community forums on the Scottish Power website. Other customers may have the answers you're looking for.
Scottish Power contact number: Existing customers
Existing customers can submit general queries, access account information, make a complaint or get a specific issue addressed by using one of the Scottish Power contact numbers listed in the sections below. If your specific query doesn’t fall under any of the topics below, you could contact the general queries/Customer Services number.
Scottish Power General Enquiries
For queries about your existing account, including questions about billing, change of payment details or method, change of personal details, and any other miscellaneous queries, try 0800 027 0072 or textphone 0800 027 8899.
Alternatively, you can use the online chat functions on the Scottish Power contact page or through the app. In order to access the chat feature on the Scottish Power contact page or app, you will have to log in to your Scottish Power online account. To find out how or if you’re having trouble logging in, check out our Login guide for the supplier.
Scottish Power contact for complaints
Do you have a Scottish Power complaint that you would like to have addressed? You can get in touch with the complaints department by calling the Scottish Power contact number below within the hours advertised, or you can send an email to the specified address.
- By phone: 0800 074 1985
- By email: to [email protected]
- By post: to Scottish Power Customer Services, 320 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5AD
- Online: via the online Scottish Power contact form
If the customer service agent with whom you are in contact is not able to handle your complaint, it will be directed to a complaints specialist. The assigned complaints specialist will get in contact with you in due course to offer a resolution. Please note that if you would like an update about your complaint, you can contact the customer service team via one of the Scottish Power contact channels outlined above.
If you feel like your complaint hasn’t been handled satisfactorily, you can escalate it to the supplier's Customer Service Director Support team. To do so you will need to complete the online complaints escalation form.
Scottish Power smart meter contact number
If you want to provide a smart meter reading, you can do so by contacting Scottish Power’s automated meter-reading service through your web browser, by logging in to your online account, or via the supplier's phone app. Below you can find the relevant Scottish Power contact number by which to submit your smart meter readings.
- Contact Scottish Power's automated meter-reading service on 0800 027 8000 (open 24 hours).
Please note that providing accurate meter readings ensures that you receive accurate bills for your energy consumption. If you fail to provide one, you could receive an estimated bill based on your previous usage. To find out how to read your meter, take a look at our gas and electricity meters reading guide.
Boiler care contact
For any queries about the supplier's range of boiler care and boiler insurance products, or if you're an existing boiler cover customer and your boiler has stopped functioning, you can direct your queries to the following Scottish Power contact numbers:
- Boiler care customer service: 0800 001 5214 (Monday to Friday 8am-8pm; Saturday 8am-5pm)
- Boiler care emergency number: 0800 111 4686 (open 24 hours)
- Boiler maintenance and support: 0800 111 4686 (open 24 hours)
- Boiler insurance customer service: 0800 027 1444 (Monday to Friday 8am-8pm; Saturday 8am-5pm)
To find out more about boiler cover, including available plans, check out our Scottish Power Boiler Cover guide.
Warm Home Discount contact
To contact Scottish Power about the Warm Home Discount scheme, whether to query a rebate you have received or to keep track of a pending application, please call the Scottish Power contact number for Customer Services - 0800 027 0072 (Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm; Saturdays 8:40am-4pm).
Please be aware that you may have to provide evidence in support of your application. To find what the application process entails and what evidence you may need to provide, see our Scottish Power Warm Home Discount guide.
Who to contact for the Hardship fund
You may be eligible for the Hardship Fund if you are in receipt of income support, Job Seekers Allowance, Pension Credit or Employment and Support Allowance. To find out if you are eligible, you will have to contact the National Debtline or National Enterprise Direct. Contact information for both can be found on our Scottish Power Hardship Fund page.
Scottish Power contact for new customers
Consumers looking to switch to Scottish Power can call the Scottish Power contact number for Customer Services - 0800 027 0072 (Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm; Saturdays 8:40am-4pm). You can also get an idea of Scottish Power tariffs online.
Sales complaints
If you have had a bad experience with a sales agent when you were signing up or enquiring about Scottish Power’s tariffs, or if you have changed your mind about switching, you can contact Scottish Power's Sales Complaints and Customer Service team by:
- Phone: on 0800 074 1985 (Monday to Friday 8am-10pm; Saturday 8.30am-6pm).
- Online: Via the dedicated online Scottish Power contact form.
If you have submitted a complaint and feel like it wasn’t resolved, you can escalate it to the Customer Service Director Support team on the supplier's complaints page. An agent will try to get back to you within three to five days.
Contact Scottish Power when moving home
When you move to a new property you will have to notify Scottish Power. This goes for both homeowners and tenants. Whether you’re leaving your property and closing your account with the supplier or moving into a new property and opening a new account, you’ll have to contact Scottish Power's Customer Service number on 0800 027 0072 or textphone 0800 027 8899.
Before doing so, however, you’ll have to gather a few bits of information. Find out exactly what you need by heading over to our Scottish Power Moving guide.
Contacting the Scottish Power emergency number
Should you experience a gas or electricity emergency, such as a gas leak or power cut, please contact your gas or electricity network provider. For Scottish Power customers these are the National Grid and Scottish Power Energy Networks. Contact details for both can be found below:
- Gas emergencies: Contact National Grid on 0800 111 999.
- Electricity emergencies: Contact SP Energy Networks on:
- 0800 001 5400 from a landline and 0330 1010 400 from a mobile if you’re in Cheshire, Merseyside, N. Wales and N. Shropshire.
- 0800 092 9290 from a landline and 0330 1010 222 from mobile if you’re in central and southern Scotland.
If you have a boiler emergency, please contact the supplier's boiler care emergency number below:
- Scottish Power contact for Boiler emrgencies: 0800 111 4686 (open 24 hours)
Scottish Power business contact
If Scottish Power is supplying energy to your business/commercial premises, or if you are looking for Scottish Power business provider quote, you can get in touch with a customer service agent by calling one of the Scottish Power contact numbers set out in the table below:
Query | Scottish Power contact numbers | Opening hours |
Small Business: customer service | 0800 040 7002 | Monday to Friday, 8am-7pm; Saturday 8:30am-1pm |
Small Business: Get a quote | 0800 22 44 00 | Monday to Thursday 9am-5:30pm; Fridays 9am-5pm |
Commercial Customer Service: | 0800 074 0052 | Monday to Friday 9am-4pm |
Commercial: Brokers and Consultants | 0800 074 0025 | Monday to Friday 9am-4pm |
Commercial: Switch/get a quote | 0800 074 0052 | Monday to Friday 9am-4pm |
Business complaints
If you have a complaint, you can get in touch with the complaints team of the Small Businesses or Commercial departments. Below are the numbers for each:
- Small Business complaints: 0800 040 7002 (Monday to Friday 8am-7pm; Saturday 8.30am-1pm).
- Commercial complaints: 0800 074 0052 (Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.45pm).
- Commercial Microbusiness complaints: 0800 074 0739 (Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.45pm).
Phone numbers last checked on 12/05/2021. These phone numbers are provided in good faith using publicly available information for illustrative purposes only. Selectra is not responsible for the accuracy of this information.