E.ON Tariffs for 2022: Gas & Electricity Prices

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EON logo with electrical cord and coins

You may already know that E.ON is one of the biggest energy companies in the UK, but you might not know how to choose the best deal for your home. Here's our step-by-step guide to picking the right E.ON tariff for your circumstances.

💸E.ON Tariffs Price Increase

There are a range of different E.ON tariffs for domestic households. E.ON tariffs are available for all types of customers, whether you pay via direct debit, on receipt of a bill, or with a top-up key or card. Let's begin by seeing how E.ON energy tariffs stack up for pricing when compared with the rest of the market.

Suppliers' Value for Money Ranked by Which? Score
Energy Supplier Which? Value for Money score
Octopus Energy ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ovo Energy ⭐⭐⭐⭐
So Energy ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Utility Warehouse ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Outfox The Market ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Boost ⭐⭐⭐
Utilita ⭐⭐⭐
Sainsbury's Energy ⭐⭐⭐
Shell Energy ⭐⭐⭐
British Gas ⭐⭐
EDF Energy ⭐⭐
SSE (Takeover by Ovo Energy in June 2019) ⭐⭐
E.ON ⭐⭐
Scottish Power ⭐⭐
E.ON Next

*For illustrative purposes only. Figures taken from Which?'s September 2021 survey.


It doesn't look good for E.ON, which finds itself near the bottom of the list in terms of pricing. Of course, this doesn't tell the whole story - it may offer great service at a premium. For information regarding E.ON's performance when it comes to customer service, head to our E.ON reviews article. To keep reading about E.ON tariffs, however, stay on this page.

📈E.ON Price Rises in the News

E.ON tariffs are set to rise on 1 April 2022 owing to the energy regulator Ofgem raising the price cap to historic levels. This means that customers who are on E.ON’s EnergyPlan or Next Flex tariffs will be affected by the new price hikes. Customers whose E.ON tariffs are fixed and haven’t ended yet will not experience the same price rise.

The price is due to increase from an average yearly energy bill of £1,277 to £1,971 for direct debit customers, and £1,309 to £2,017 a year for those on a prepayment meter. Customers on E.ON's standard variable tariff will receive at least 30 days notice before any price changes are implemented.

More recently, E.ON has stopped taking on new customers and is instead forcing new customers to join its sister-brand E.ON Next. All existing domestic and small business customers will be transferred to E.ON Next and all direct debits should remain the same.

💡E.ON Tariffs: Variable

E.ON offers two variable tariffs whose prices fluctuate along with the price of wholesale energy. In this section, we'll take you through both these E.ON tariffs in detail:

E.ON EnergyPlan

E.ON EnergyPlan is the provider's standard variable tariff. This is the tariff you'll be on if you haven't picked one for yourself or your fixed term has come to an end. Here's a summary:

E.ON EnergyPlan
Term None
Exit fee £0
Direct debit discount  
100% Renewable Energy  
E.ON EnergyPlan Tariff (Direct Debit payment method)
Cost type Price
Electricity unit rate 29.484p per kWh
Gas unit rate 7.319p per kWh
Electricity standing charge 41.660p per day
Gas standing charge 27.219p per day
Total estimated cost per month £176.27
Total estimated cost per year £2,115.23
Exit fee £0

*Calculations based on a three-bedroom London household with average energy consumption. Tariff last updated: March 2022

E.ON EnergyPlan Assist

E.ON EnergyPlan Assist is similar to E.ON EnergyPlan and is also one of E.ON dual fuel tariffs. However it is only available to customers with a credit meter who have received a Warm Home Discount payment from E.ON between October 2016 and March 2019. Here's a summary of the tariff:

E.ON EnergyPlan Assist
Term None
Exit fee £0
Direct debit discount  
100% Renewable Energy  

The tariff is, as you can see, the same as E.ON EnergyPlan except that its rates are slightly discounted as it is intended for financially vulnerable customers.

🧾E.ON Tariffs: Fixed

E.ON is now E.ON Next If you try to sign up to an E.ON tariff you will be directed to E.ON Next.

E.ON energy tariffs for domestic customers have now been discontinued. New customers are forced to join E.ON Next and existing customers are in the process of having the E.ON tariffs moved to a comparable E.ON Next tariff. Below, we've laid out all of E.ON Next's fixed-rate tariffs. With a fixed-rate tariff, your unit rate and standing charge will not change throughout your contract.

After you sign up for a one of the fixed E.ON tariffs, the supplier will contact you to have a smart meter installed. The installation is free. If a smart meter cannot be installed, you'll still remain on the tariff you signed up for.

Next 2 Year v12

This is the cheapest of the E.ON energy tariffs currently available. This E.ON Next 2 Year v12 tariff guarantees your rates will not change for 24 months. All bills must be paid via direct debit and you will be able to manage your account online.

Next 2 Year v12
Term 24 months
Exit fee £0 per fuel
Direct debit discount  
100% Renewable Energy  
Smart meter installation included  
Call centre support  

E.ON Pay As You Go tariffs

If you have a prepayment meter that you top up using a key or card, you have two E.ON tariffs to choose from: EnergyPlan with Smart PAYG or EnergyPlan with Prepayment. The rates for both of the tariffs are the same. One is only for customers with smart meters, and the other is available to customers with standard prepayment meters. However, due to the energy crisis, customers can only sign-up for a prepayment tariff by contacting E.ON by telephone

E.ON Standard Tariff (Prepayment payment method)
Cost type Price
Electricity unit rate 29.243p per kWh
Gas unit rate 7.308p per kWh
Electricity standing charge 46.610p per day
Gas standing charge 37.275p per day
Total estimated cost per month £169.27
Total estimated cost per year £2,031.19
Exit fee £0

*Calculations based on a three-bedroom London household with average energy consumption. Tariff last updated: March 2022

The prepayment E.ON tariffs are variable and do not include exit fees. Customers with smart meters will be able to top up either online or with the E.ON smart PAYG app. The app can be downloaded for free from Google Play or the App Store.

E.ON Tariffs: Economy 7

E.ON Economy 7 tariffs are available for customers that have Economy 7 meters. With these tariffs, E.ON customers get cheaper electricity for seven hours at night. This is in exchange for more expensive rates during the day.

E.ON Economy 7 tariffs are typically only used when your household has storage heaters. This sort of heating system collects energy at night and releases it during the day, thus allowing customers to take advantage of the cheaper night-time hours and save money on their electricity bills. You'll need to consume at least 30-40% of your electricity during the off-peak hours in order to benefit from an E.ON Economy 7 tariff.

Note that the Fix and Drive v10 tariff does not offer Economy 7 rates, as this tariff only accepts dual fuel customers that pay a single rate for electricity.

E.ON Tariffs for Pensioners

It was reported in the Guardian that E.ON scrapped its Stay Warm plan, which was one of the E.ON tariffs for pensioners. It was aimed at benefiting thousands of elderly homeowners. The Stay Warm tariff offered fixed prices for gas and electricity. It was based on the homeowner's consumption from the previous 12 months and on wholesale market prices for energy.

The amount a customer paid was fixed for 12 months from when they signed up. As this meant no unexpected bills, elderly customers enjoyed peace of mind knowing that their bills wouldn't change.

Ofgem later unveiled reforms, including limiting the maximum number of tariffs a supplier could offer to four per fuel. Consequently, the E.ON tariffs for pensioners took the blow. When customers' StayWarm plan came to an end, E.ON renewed their price plans by putting them onto the more expensive standard tariff, the E.ON Energy Plan).

The termination of StayWarm will have a frightening impact on old people, particularly those who live alone in small homes, who pay a lower tariff, and will be obliged to seek other providers of gas and electricity. (Mr Howley, aged 80, E.ON customer)

E.ON Feed-in Tariff

As of April 2020, the E.ON Feed-in Tariff (or FIT) scheme is no longer available. Feed-in tariffs rewarded customers that generated their own electricity from renewable sources, such as solar panels, and then fed it back into the grid. For a four-person household, the average amount made back from this type of tariff was £150 per year.

Even though the E.ON FIT scheme has closed, people who generate their own energy still have a way to earn money back through the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) obligation. These types of tariffs became available in January 2020. As with the E.ON FIT scheme, customers can make money from exporting energy back into the electricity grid. The difference with SEG tariffs is that E.ON sets the rates rather than the Government.

To apply for the SEG, send an email to [email protected]. It will usually take three to four weeks for E.ON to process your application.

E.ON Tariffs for EV Customers

E.ON Energy doesn’t offer an EV tariff for its electric vehicle customers and you can only get one through its new company E.ON Next. E.ON Next offers its E.ON Next Drive tariff which is not currently available

🏢E.ON Tariffs for Business

E.ON tariffs for businesses include offers for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as for industrial and commercial (I&C) consumers. These E.ON tariffs for businesses are very different from those for domestic properties.

E.ON Business tariffs include fixed-rate offers that last from one to four years. They also offer variable tariffs that reflect the wholesale cost of energy. For more information on the latest E.ON energy prices, head to our E.ON Business guide.

📞Get an E.ON Quote

electricity bill

You can get an E.ON quote for your home on the supplier's website. Go to the homepage and click on 'Energy' in the top left corner. Then select 'Get an energy quote' from the menu. You will need to enter your postcode and house name or number. This is because pricing varies depending on your location.

For an accurate quote, we recommend you use your actual gas and electricity consumption. According to energy regulator Ofgem, the average annual usage is 2,900 kWh of electricity and 12,000 kWh of gas. You can find this information on your energy bill. If you don’t have a bill, you can use our consumption calculator to find out your energy usage.

At the moment, it is not possible to get a quote with E.ON Energy for your gas and electricity. E.ON is currently migrating its entire customer base over to E.ON Next and the E.ON website will redirect you there if you want to sign up with them.

E.ON Tariff FAQs

How much does E.ON charge per kWh?

The energy price per kWh depends on which E.ON tariff you are on. In general, electricity costs between 29p and 30p per kWh. Gas costs between 7.5p and 8p per kWh. As with most suppliers, gas unit rates are much cheaper than electricity unit rates.

What is the E.ON standing charge?

Your E.ON standing charge depends on your E.ON tariff and your location. E.ON standing charges for electricity generally range from 20.4p to 28.7p per day. Gas standing charges tend to be higher. They range from 22.8p to 36.2p per day.

How much does it cost to leave E.ON?

Depending on your E.ON tariff, you may be charged if you decide to leave E.ON. Exit fees range from £0 to £30 per fuel for terminating your contract early, so if you’re on one of the E.ON dual fuel tariffs, it will cost you more if you end it early. If you terminate the contract less than 49 days before it ends, you will not have to pay an exit fee. If you move home, you can take your E.ON tariff with you to avoid an exit fee.

What E.ON tariff am I on?

If you can't remember the name of your E.ON energy tariff, the most accurate way to find out is by looking at a copy of your bill. You'll see it at the top of the second page.

If you don't have a bill handy, head to E.ON's Tariff Information Label (TiL) page, type in your house number and postcode and select your type of supply contract (e.g. dual fuel, electricity or gas only, etc.). You'll then get a list of E.ON tariffs that people are on in your area. Your tariff may appear as the first result. If in doubt, call E.ON to find out.

How long do E.ON refunds take?

It's normal that your account will be in credit at specific points of the year. Your credit will automatically be deducted from your next bill. However, if you still want E.ON to refund you that sum of money, you'll need to submit an up to date meter reading. Do this online or by calling E.ON on 0345 055 0065. They're open Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm.

E.ON will process your payment within ten days. But if your refund hasn't been sent to you and 14 days have passed since you received your final bill, call E.ON on the above number.

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